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How To Soothe Your Stress & Anxiety Jan 13, 2020

Welcome to the “High Vibin’ It” podcast! No matter who you are, or what your life is like, You likely feel stressed out or anxious from time to time. If that’s fair to...

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Using Boundaries & Values to Create Your Best Life Jan 06, 2020

Welcome to the “High Vibin’ It” podcast! Each week my soul sister Kelsey Aida and I bring you fun spiritual and personal development conversations that will help you raise your...

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How to Keep Your New Year's Intentions with Kelsey Low Dec 30, 2019

Every year is a new opportunity for new intentions and goals. If you're like us, you LOVE setting New Year's resolutions and the hope it brings, but actually sticking to, and achieving them is...

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Self-Help Burnout? Here's What To Do! Dec 23, 2019

Not enjoying your self-help practice as much as you used to? Feel like you're doing "all the things" and getting nowhere? Consider this episode your permission slip to take a break and be a human...

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How To Get Through Your Bad Days While Staying In Alignment Dec 16, 2019

We all have crappy days; trying to deny it is pointless AND serves no one. So why do we do it?

Especially now, with all the stress of the holidays, it can be super hard to stay in a positive,...

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How to Gracefully Let Go of SH*T That No Longer Serves You Dec 09, 2019

Finding it hard to let go of past baggage? Are you still carrying "stuff" that is weighing you down and holding you back?

Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. As humans, we can hold on...

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Channeling the Light with Grace Cavanaugh Dec 02, 2019

What if you could access the knowledge of the Universe? What would you want to know?

That's what this week's episode of "High Vibin' It" is all about, when we chat with my good friend and gifted...

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Cultivating Passion, Purpose and Profit with Taylor Rae Nov 25, 2019

In this episode of “High Vibin’ It” we talk with "The Strong Babe Collective" podcast host, Taylor Rae as she shares her story of going form a burnout business owner to a...

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Healing Trauma & Being Extrasensory with James Wolf Irawe Nov 18, 2019

Though we love to focus on high vibes topics for the most part, it's also a fact that we’ve all experienced some degree of trauma that has affected our lives. When left unresolved, this can...

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Moon Magic: Manifesting with the Power of the Lunar Cycle Nov 11, 2019

Learn how to harness the potent power of the moon in this timely episode of "High Vibin' It"!

In honor of the Taurus Full Moon happening on 11/11/19, we are spilling all the juicy details about our...

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Direct vs Indirect Manifesting Nov 04, 2019

There's a reason why you want what you want... and it's probably not what you think. That's why in this episode, we are breaking down a more DIRECT way for you to manifest your desires so you don't...

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